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Why do Chinese eat goji berries?


Goji Berry is an herb widely used in traditional Chinese diet and considered by many to have rich nutritional value and medicinal properties. Many foreign friends don’t quite understand why Chinese people like to eat Goji Berry. Now let NUO HEALTH FOOD explain it to you in detail. Let more foreign friends like Goji Berry.


Why do Chinese eat goji berries


The reasons why Chinese people eat Goji Berry are as follows:


1. Health care function:


Goji berries are considered to have health-care properties and are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, etc., which help remove free radicals in the body and help maintain cell health. In addition, Goji Berry also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, zinc, etc., which help improve immunity and maintain good health.


2. Replenish blood and nourish skin:


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Goji Berry has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing blood and improving eyesight. Regular consumption of Goji Berry is believed to improve complexion and increase qi and blood in the body. It has a certain recuperative effect on some people who have poor complexion due to busy work and high pressure in life.


3. Beauty and skin care:


Many ingredients in Goji Berry are considered beneficial to the skin and contribute to beauty and skin care. Some people choose to eat Goji Berry or apply it to skin care products such as facial masks, hoping to improve skin texture and maintain skin elasticity and luster.


4. Herbal Application:


In traditional Chinese medicine, Goji Berry is also widely used to treat some physical symptoms, such as blurred vision, dizziness, etc. It is believed that Goji Berry helps adjust the body's yin and yang balance and has certain herbal effects.


5. Traditional food:


Goji Berry is a common seasoning ingredient in traditional Chinese diet and is used in various dishes such as soup and porridge. People consume Goji berries in their daily diet, not only for their nutritional value, but also for their mild sweetness and taste.


Generally speaking, Chinese people eat Goji Berry for many reasons, including health care functions, blood nourishment, beauty and skin care, herbal applications, and traditional consumption. This makes Goji Berry an integral part of Chinese food culture.