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The Edible Method of Goji Berry


Goji berries are rich in nutrients, including carotene, betaine, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and more. They have the following effects:


1. Nourishing kidney yin, replenishing qi, calming the nerves, improving physical fitness, nourishing the essence of the kidneys, benefiting the liver and enhancing eyesight, and moisturizing the lungs.


2. Improving the body's immune function, boosting qi, nourishing the liver and kidneys, resisting aging, relieving thirst, providing warmth to the body, and exhibiting anti-tumor effects.


3. Reducing blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and blood sugar levels. Goji berries can help prevent conditions such as atherosclerosis, protect the liver, inhibit fatty liver, and promote the regeneration of liver cells.


4. In traditional Chinese medicine, Goji berries have been used to treat liver blood deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, blurred vision, and night blindness caused by deficiency. The famous prescription Qijudihuang pills often includes Goji berries as a key ingredient. People also commonly use Goji berries for the treatment of chronic eye diseases. Steaming or eating them directly is a simple and effective therapeutic method.


The consumption of Goji berries requires some considerations. Here are some guidelines on when and how much to eat:


1. Gout patients should consume around 50-80 berries twice a day, ideally in the morning and before bedtime, with a total of two servings.


2. For healthy individuals, consuming 50-80 berries daily, preferably before bedtime, is recommended.


3. The quantity of consumption should generally decrease with age. Younger individuals can consume a slightly higher amount than older individuals.


4. Goji berries can be soaked or chewed, but it is better not to cook them.


A friendly reminder: It is advisable to start consuming Goji berries after the age of 40. By ensuring a regular intake of Goji berries, the risk of certain diseases can be significantly reduced, and it may contribute to longevity.