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List of Food Additives


Food additives play an important role in the modern food industry. They meet the diverse needs of consumers by enhancing the taste, color, texture and shelf life of food. The following are some common food additives and their uses.


1. Antioxidants


Antioxidants are used to prevent oxidation of oils and other ingredients in food, thereby extending the shelf life of food. Common antioxidants include:


1). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): used in fruits and juices to prevent oxidation and discoloration.


2). Vitamin E (tocopherol): used in vegetable oils and nuts to prevent oil oxidation.


3). BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene): used in oils, pastries and cereal products to prevent fat oxidation.


2. Preservatives


Preservatives extend the shelf life of food by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Common preservatives include:


1). Potassium sorbate: used in juices, jams and baked goods.


2). Sodium benzoate: used in carbonated beverages, jams and pickles.


3). Nitrite: used in meat products to prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum and maintain the red color of meat.


3. Pigments


Pigments are used to enhance or restore the color of food to make it more attractive. Common pigments include:


1). Natural pigments:


Carotene: used in butter, cheese and juice.


Beet red: used in candy, beverages and yogurt.


2). Synthetic pigments:


Carmine: used in candy and beverages.


Brilliant blue: used in ice cream and jelly.


4. Flavorings


Flavors are used to enhance or change the taste of food. Common flavorings include:


1). MSG (monosodium glutamate): used in various processed foods such as instant noodles, soups and seasonings.


2). Flavors: used in baked goods, candy and beverages to give a unique flavor.


3). Sweeteners:


Aspartame: used in sugar-free beverages and candy.


Sucralose: used in low-calorie foods and beverages.


5. Emulsifiers


Emulsifiers are used to stabilize mixtures and prevent separation. Common emulsifiers include:


1). Lecithin: used in chocolate, baked goods and sauces.


2). Monoglycerides and diglycerides: used in bread, cakes and ice cream.


6. Thickeners and stabilizers


Thickeners and stabilizers are used to increase the viscosity and stability of food. Common thickeners and stabilizers include:


1). Pectin: used in jams, jellies and yogurt.


2). Agar: used in desserts, candies and dairy products.


3). Xanthan gum: used in salad dressings, ice cream and beverages.


7. Nutritional enhancers


Nutritional enhancers are used to increase the nutritional value of food. Common nutritional enhancers include:


1). Vitamins and minerals: used in flour, milk and juice to supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.


2). Dietary fiber: used in cereals, beverages and dairy products to promote intestinal health.


8. Acidity regulators


Acidity regulators are used to adjust the acidity of food to improve taste and preservation. Common acidity regulators include:


1). Citric acid: used in beverages, candies and jams.


2). Lactic acid: used in dairy products, beverages and condiments.


3). Acetic acid: used in pickles and sauces.


9. Leavening agents


Leaving agents are used in baked goods to make them fluffier. Common leavening agents include:


1). Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): used in bread, cakes and biscuits.


2). Cream of tartar: used in meringues and baked goods.


In short, food additives play an irreplaceable role in modern food processing. They not only improve the taste, color and texture of food, but also extend the shelf life of food and increase its nutritional value. However, the use of food additives must strictly comply with national and international food safety standards to ensure the health and safety of consumers. In the future, with the advancement of technology and changes in consumer demand, the types and applications of food additives will become more diversified and safer.